100 Polymaths

100 Polymaths
Photo by adrianna geo / Unsplash

Here's a list of some of the Polymaths to have ever lived. Look them up, Study them. Learn the best and discard the worst. Consume and grow.

  1. Leonardo da Vinci
  2. Isaac Newton
  3. Galileo Galilei
  4. Archimedes
  5. Michelangelo
  6. Benjamin Franklin
  7. Albert Einstein
  8. Aristotle
  9. Blaise Pascal
  10. René Descartes
  11. Thomas Edison
  12. Nikola Tesla
  13. Marie Curie
  14. James Clerk Maxwell
  15. John von Neumann
  16. Carl Sagan
  17. Ada Lovelace
  18. Alan Turing
  19. John Dee
  20. Robert Boyle
  21. Johannes Kepler
  22. Erwin Schrödinger
  23. Srinivasa Ramanujan
  24. Hypatia
  25. William Herschel
  26. Charles Babbage
  27. Werner Heisenberg
  28. Richard Feynman
  29. Niels Bohr
  30. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  31. Immanuel Kant
  32. John Napier
  33. Pythagoras
  34. Plutarch
  35. Euler
  36. Linus Pauling
  37. David Hilbert
  38. Leibniz
  39. Mary Somerville
  40. Andrei Sakharov
  41. John Horton Conway
  42. Alan Guth
  43. Norbert Wiener
  44. Rachel Carson
  45. C.F. Gauss
  46. Hypatia of Alexandria
  47. Archytas of Tarentum
  48. Alhazen
  49. Anaxagoras
  50. Baruch Spinoza
  51. Bhaskara II
  52. J. Robert Oppenheimer
  53. Max Planck
  54. Johannes Swendenborg
  55. Aleister Crowley
  56. Johannes Hevelius
  57. Mary Wollstonecraft
  58. Evariste Galois
  59. Kurt Gödel
  60. Jan Christiaan Smuts
  61. Stephen Hawking
  62. Paul Dirac
  63. Henri Poincaré
  64. Stefan Banach
  65. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
  66. Edmond Halley
  67. Tycho Brahe
  68. Jacob Bernoulli
  69. Leonhard Euler
  70. John Locke
  71. Michael Faraday
  72. Vitali Milman
  73. Alexander Grothendieck
  74. Lucretius
  75. John Stuart Mill
  76. John Keats
  77. Francesco Redi
  78. Pierre-Simon Laplace
  79. Paracelsus
  80. Hippocrates
  81. Albrecht Dürer
  82. Martin Gardner
  83. Simon Stevin
  84. Nicholas Copernicus
  85. Thomas Aquinas
  86. Galileo Galilei
  87. John Playfair
  88. André-Marie Ampère
  89. Gaspard Monge
  90. Leonard Adleman
  91. Ada Yonath
  92. Abdus Salam
  93. John Hammond, Jr.
  94. Sofia Kovalevskaya
  95. Blaise de Vigenère
  96. Carl Friedrich Gauss
  97. David Harrison
  98. Thomas Huxley
  99. Henry Cavendish
  100. Girolamo Cardano

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